Providing city officials & the public with nonpartisan information on the
NYC budget & economy

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Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2018

Analysis of the Mayor’s 2018 Preliminary Budget and
Financial Plan Through 2021: Overview

March 2, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

A Slowing Economy Portends Slowing Growth in City Tax Revenue
April 6, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

City’s Capital Spending and Borrowing Grows
April 4, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Police Department’s Civilian Hiring Lags Behind Stated Plans
March 29, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Capital Funds Increased for East River Bridge Repair and Citywide Street Repaving
March 28, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Mayor Plans More Spending for Vision Zero Projects
March 28, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Governor’s Budget Shifts Larger Share of Foster Care Costs to the City
March 27, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Waste Export Costs to Rise as Remaining Marine Transfer Stations Open
March 24, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

New Cash Assistance Programs Keeping Recipients on Welfare Rolls Longer,
But Caseload Increase Seems to Have Stabilized

March 23, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

City’s Environmental Agency Increases Its Focus on Green Infrastructure Projects
March 22, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

For NYC Health + Hospitals, Many Fiscal Risks Remain
March 21, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

New York City Schools Continue to See Shortfall in Foundation Aid
March 20, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

With State Formula for Charter School Funding Likely to Change,
City Costs to Grow More Than Budgeted

March 20, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Housing Department Increases Capital Funds To Create Housing for the Homeless
March 15, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

With Criminal Justice Reforms Taking Effect,
Mayor Adds Funds for More Administrative Hearings

March 10, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Overtime for Correction Officers Continues to Increase
March 8, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Estimated Cost to New York City of Governor Cuomo’s
Proposed Affordable New York Housing Program
March 7, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Staff Costs and Pass-Through Payments to Charter and
Nonpublic Schools Propel Education Department Spending
February 28, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

Homeless Shelter Costs Continue to Be Underbudgeted in Future Years
February 22, 2017; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget

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